Saturday, June 27, 2009
What's this?
I have been inspired to draw again after invisioning a picture that looked pretty awsome in my head. Of cource it is going to take some practice in order to get this picture just right so it's back to the basics. Also a study on muscels of the human body. Yes drawing all of the muscels of the human body.(i don't need to do this but i feel it will ulitimately help me out in the end.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Boom Shot Anyone?

Saturday, March 14, 2009
Free Anime Hosting

For all of you out there that love to watch anime but can't seem to find the dvd's in store or just don't feel/have the money to buy it, then i suggest you go on over to OtakuCenter. It has 700+ anime series, including some popular classics. The only down fall is that most of the anime on the site are streamed through MegaVideo which only allows you to watch 72_minutes of any show until it cuts the stream and you'll have to wait a 60_minute period until you can begin watching again. That could be annoying as you could be watching a show and then it instantly cuts off. :/
Well any way that takes care of that request. Have a nice day. XD
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
~By The Way~

-I do not expect you to read everything i put on this blog spot.
-I do not expect anyone to follow my blog.
-I do not expect you to monitor my page for new post.
So in return please do not expect me to do those either. I do not check this place regularly. I easily forget to come check for others new post when i do not post myself.
That is all and have a good day.

Well out of all the things i stop doing Blogging is one of the first things i drop, the second thing is running, third is hanging out with Raeia, and the fifth is drawing. After about a week of it i truly think i might be getting over my lazy-day-sendrome, which actually last weeks or even months unfortunatly, but what ever. I'm working to bring something new to my Blog spot but it might take a while. As i have said i only think that i might be getting over it but it's whatever... So anyway i think this is done and maybe you will be able to witness something better and more entertaining next time. :/
PS: For those who actually noticed that i skipped my forth. It was an accident, it got deleted when i re-posted, and it was reading. I read a hell of alot of manga, japanese comic books for those of you who don't know. I mean who reads novels anymore! COME ON~!
Wednesday, February 18, 2009

That's right I finally now have an Xbox 360 Pro. I put the money i got from Christmas away, for my birthday away, and lastly from my mom just recently and waited for a time to come when i got a job. But then my Bru-dah steped in and provided the extra money after the 10% discount and the payment of the money i had. Afterwards we went to BestBuy, saw Rainbow 6 Las Vegas 2 and used the 25$ gift card that my neighbor gave to me for rturning their lost credit-card and he paid off the rest of that too!!! So to sum it all up, The Anderson Household Now Has A Xbox360 In It!!! YEAH~!!!!
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Just So You Know
My page wil no longer have a verification in order to post. It's annoying at times when you just want to add a quick post, so i disabled it.
How To Disable:
1.Sign In (You probably already are though)
2.Go to Dashboard.
3.Then click settings.
4.Click comments
5.Scroll down to [{Show word verification for comments?}]
6.Then click no!
But if you like the whole verification thing then be my guest. I hate it and unless i get 10 post from a computerized message system,which i dont think will happen, im not gonna put it back on! :o
How To Disable:
1.Sign In (You probably already are though)
2.Go to Dashboard.
3.Then click settings.
4.Click comments
5.Scroll down to [{Show word verification for comments?}]
6.Then click no!
But if you like the whole verification thing then be my guest. I hate it and unless i get 10 post from a computerized message system,which i dont think will happen, im not gonna put it back on! :o
Sunday, February 1, 2009
The Reason Why I Run.

I don't run for other peoples sake, I don't run for a team, I don't run to show off, and I don't even run for a dream. The reason i run is because i feel good when i do. I feel lighter than usual, but only for a short amount of time. I feel the breeze dodging past my arms and i feel the wind beneath my feet. I i can't help to think; If i become faster and stronger will i be able to make this feeling last any longer? Then my breath shortens and my legs become weary and now gravity is really starting to feel heavy. I want to keep going i want to move faster, and sometimes i want to break past the sound barrier. People tend to get angry at me for not using such a talent for a greater cause. But to me that feeling is the most precious thing i've got not even drawing a really good picture can get me to feel that way! It's no wonder that i want to keep it to my self. Well anyway that's my reason for why i run. Don't think im tring to make fun of you or show off to impress you. There's just sometimes when i feel this ruch of energy and know that feeling can be obtained! I tighten my laces and then it's full speed ahead!!!
My intention was not to write this like a poem but after i've read 10 0f them in a row it came out that way. [{Sorry GMoney i don't mean to steal your ideas}] I just felt i should let everyone know why i some-times randomly get into this mood to run, even in stores.
Friday, January 30, 2009
Not Bad Mister [{TM}]

So i started watching Kodocha since Tenchi in Tokyo was a major disgrace to the Tenchi series...
And i have come to find that it is very intrresting and definitly comical. Although i prefer japanese voices and subtitles, the american cast is actually quite good and i don't mind hearing it in English. So far im only on episode 5 but im already hooked on it. So i say to you TM that this was a good recomendation and i gave you 1brownie point.
([{Its a shoujou so no man cards to be distributed sorry.}])
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Just as i predicted...

That stupid friggin mutha falker gave us a mid-term with over 100 questions with
only 90minutes to finish. Also she put stuff on the exam that we didn't even go over in class. That women truely is out of her falking mind!!!
As soon as i got to question 60, I couldn't help but to start day-dreaming. I dozed off about 8 times and it took me the entire 90minutes to finish it and i was confused as hell almost the entire time i was taking the exam as it was completly in Spanish. I mean honestly who would make a mid term that long in the first place. I can only imagine how confusing and outrageously long that womens final is going to be...Man i hate her! D<
Yahoo!!! :D
Monday, January 26, 2009
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Look Look It's Me~!!!
Monday, January 19, 2009
Love? What the Hell is that!?!
Okay so recently i have been a bit wishy-washy about my feelings...
This is the girl that i think i am fond of, but i also think that
i don't really care to change the realationship we already have...
Okay let me explain. I thought that i wanted to date her but then i thought that being her butt-buddy was fine too.
Since you most-likly don't know what the hell a butt-buddy is let me explain. ah-heh-hmmm~
(pulls out his very own slang dictionaty)
Butt-Buddy(Bah*ot - Bo*dee)
1)A person who has asended from just an ordinary friend to being extremly close to another being.
Alright so anyway i don't plan to have sex until after marriage. [Yeah i've got a hell of a long way to go!]
So now im thinking what is the real point in going out with someone at the age of 18? Im not thinking of marriage or sex
so what then? If i want to know more about her i could
without dating her so now what? Stalemate? Hell im soo
confused... I feel that i'd need some kind of objective but...
What the Hell would it be? That's when the maybe i should
just forget about it, im too young anyway logic kicks in.
And that's where im stuck.

Okay so i lied i have not updated my blog once or twice a week! You know i could have better things to do then to just put all my thoughts up on the internet for my friends amusment, but because i don't and im bored beyond belief, and have done almost everthing to avoid posting a blog, and am now sitting up at 11:19 restlessly I figure why the hell not. So here you go brand new blogs! >/
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