I don't run for other peoples sake, I don't run for a team, I don't run to show off, and I don't even run for a dream. The reason i run is because i feel good when i do. I feel lighter than usual, but only for a short amount of time. I feel the breeze dodging past my arms and i feel the wind beneath my feet. I i can't help to think; If i become faster and stronger will i be able to make this feeling last any longer? Then my breath shortens and my legs become weary and now gravity is really starting to feel heavy. I want to keep going i want to move faster, and sometimes i want to break past the sound barrier. People tend to get angry at me for not using such a talent for a greater cause. But to me that feeling is the most precious thing i've got not even drawing a really good picture can get me to feel that way! It's no wonder that i want to keep it to my self. Well anyway that's my reason for why i run. Don't think im tring to make fun of you or show off to impress you. There's just sometimes when i feel this ruch of energy and know that feeling can be obtained! I tighten my laces and then it's full speed ahead!!!
My intention was not to write this like a poem but after i've read 10 0f them in a row it came out that way. [{Sorry GMoney i don't mean to steal your ideas}] I just felt i should let everyone know why i some-times randomly get into this mood to run, even in stores.
Its cool that you feel that way about running. You say you do it for that rush alone huh?!...You say you want to keep it to yourself...BUT i say feel the rush you get from being in a race B. I ran my fastest time in the 400m dash because i had a rush of mixed feelings. The most dominate of those feelings was [!FEAR!]...the feeling of what if i let my team members down, what if i get embarrassed out here on the track. So i ran that race scared BUT that fear turned into confidence once you hear people screaming your name and cheering you on to do well and move faster. The signature thing to scream out is MOVE! MOVE! MOVE! over and over again like they believe in you and know that you can move faster than the rest...I ran my PR (personal record) split of 48.something in the 4x4 that day. They're both great feelings but you have your reasons for running and i ave mine. I just wish you would have at least experienced the feelings of being in a real race. None the less do what you do and just keep running!
Oh kno you go ahead. I didn't invent poetry i just perfected it lol yeah feel free to express yourself man
the only time i feel that rush in runnin is when something is chasing me like... dogs... tigers... elephants... heat-seeking missles, LMAO!!!
You've got a talent that you could apply but if you'd prefer to use it for recreation only, then run your little heart's content.
Yeah i told Mr. Hollman about it and he said, and i quote,"All you need is a swift kick in the ass and join the team! If you don't mind i could be that person to do so!" I laughed so hard after that! Same for the class. :D
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