Wednesday, February 25, 2009

~By The Way~

-I do not expect you to post a comment on everything i write.
-I do not expect you to read everything i put on this blog spot.
-I do not expect anyone to follow my blog.
-I do not expect you to monitor my page for new post.

So in return please do not expect me to do those either. I do not check this place regularly. I easily forget to come check for others new post when i do not post myself.
That is all and have a good day.


Yeah, lazying around is always on my top priorities and in order to do so what do you think i do?
Well out of all the things i stop doing Blogging is one of the first things i drop, the second thing is running, third is hanging out with Raeia, and the fifth is drawing. After about a week of it i truly think i might be getting over my lazy-day-sendrome, which actually last weeks or even months unfortunatly, but what ever. I'm working to bring something new to my Blog spot but it might take a while. As i have said i only think that i might be getting over it but it's whatever... So anyway i think this is done and maybe you will be able to witness something better and more entertaining next time. :/
PS: For those who actually noticed that i skipped my forth. It was an accident, it got deleted when i re-posted, and it was reading. I read a hell of alot of manga, japanese comic books for those of you who don't know. I mean who reads novels anymore! COME ON~!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


First i would like to thank God for finally throwing good fortunes my way! Next i'd like to thank my Bro Shannon, the owner of Cloud9-Lines; If his name wasn't shannon he would be too manly for you!!! And last i'd like to thank the rest of the Anderson family for believing in me!!!
That's right I finally now have an Xbox 360 Pro. I put the money i got from Christmas away, for my birthday away, and lastly from my mom just recently and waited for a time to come when i got a job. But then my Bru-dah steped in and provided the extra money after the 10% discount and the payment of the money i had. Afterwards we went to BestBuy, saw Rainbow 6 Las Vegas 2 and used the 25$ gift card that my neighbor gave to me for rturning their lost credit-card and he paid off the rest of that too!!! So to sum it all up, The Anderson Household Now Has A Xbox360 In It!!! YEAH~!!!!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Just So You Know

My page wil no longer have a verification in order to post. It's annoying at times when you just want to add a quick post, so i disabled it.
How To Disable:

1.Sign In (You probably already are though)
2.Go to Dashboard.
3.Then click settings.
4.Click comments
5.Scroll down to [{Show word verification for comments?}]
6.Then click no!

But if you like the whole verification thing then be my guest. I hate it and unless i get 10 post from a computerized message system,which i dont think will happen, im not gonna put it back on! :o

Sunday, February 1, 2009

The Reason Why I Run.

I don't run for other peoples sake, I don't run for a team, I don't run to show off, and I don't even run for a dream. The reason i run is because i feel good when i do. I feel lighter than usual, but only for a short amount of time. I feel the breeze dodging past my arms and i feel the wind beneath my feet. I i can't help to think; If i become faster and stronger will i be able to make this feeling last any longer? Then my breath shortens and my legs become weary and now gravity is really starting to feel heavy. I want to keep going i want to move faster, and sometimes i want to break past the sound barrier. People tend to get angry at me for not using such a talent for a greater cause. But to me that feeling is the most precious thing i've got not even drawing a really good picture can get me to feel that way! It's no wonder that i want to keep it to my self. Well anyway that's my reason for why i run. Don't think im tring to make fun of you or show off to impress you. There's just sometimes when i feel this ruch of energy and know that feeling can be obtained! I tighten my laces and then it's full speed ahead!!!

My intention was not to write this like a poem but after i've read 10 0f them in a row it came out that way. [{Sorry GMoney i don't mean to steal your ideas}] I just felt i should let everyone know why i some-times randomly get into this mood to run, even in stores.